As we see there is a huge demand in the Hardware and Networking Industry as today as you see every IT and Not IT Sector are in the demand and need of Hardware and Networking professionals to secure the Environment through Networking .As a Results there is huge career openings arises in the core field of Hardware and Networking domains results in Imperial growth in Production, Sales, Technical Support, Service & Maintenance so on.
On the other hand Engineer who completed Engineering has not much creating impact in the Interviews due to lack of Technical development as per the company demands and standards.
Also various Training institutes provides Technical development to the Graduates are not creating a greater advantages to the Individual career cause as they are concentrating only in the General Technical development which are not making big difference in their Careers. Although they speak about real time training the clause of the training is not all the benefiting all the graduates. It’s very clear that out of 10 Students who completes training in a training institute only 2-3 graduates are getting Employable.
As results Maximum numbers of graduates who are trained in the different Courses are still as a job seekers and they are in unemployment status. All the courses are End with only the certificates where the job dreams never been fulfilled.
In General Many Consulting Companies who offers only the Interviews with their clients have not much focussed on Individual Technical strength before they are organising the Interviews to the Graduates
Of course there are still few are getting benefited what about rest of others?
India’s passionate Company who wants to create Employability and provides Employment to a Graduates working with the Fresh Graduates by providing clients based syllabus Real Time job training who seeks to start the career only in Hardware are Networking domain.